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Donate to Future Leaders 

For millions of young people globally, the help to achieve their leadership dreams is all that they need. They need your help to achieve this dream.


Why support Future Leaders

Many young people have great ambition and brighter ideas but without support to harness what they have to offer, young people will not reach the leadership potential required of them. This is why we need your support to build the
leadership skills of young people to prevent them from facing the increased risk of loneliness, disillusion and exploitation.

Your support:
Donating to Future Leaders  will enable us to respond to the immediate and critical needs of young people and provide funding and support to the youth organisations that support them.  By making a one-off or monthly donation today you will be: 

1. Supporting young people – ensure young people continue to receive vital support and advice on issues such as mental health, loneliness and employability.

2.Supporting youth workers – ensure the survival of youth organisations by keeping youth workers in post, helping them stay connected and giving access to vital training and support.

Donations options:


could give a youth person practical advice and support during a time of uncertainty by providing access to online resources


could give a youth worker a way to stay connected with their peers through the Future Leaders


could upskill a youth organization on topics such as mental health first aid, enabling them to support young people remotely


could provide a group of young people with inspiration and motivation for the future by providing a career talk via webinar


Donate today

Your donation will be allocated where it is needed most, giving UK Youth the flexibility to respond quickly. If you are a UK tax payer your gift can go even further with Gift Aid at no extra cost to you.

Donation form

$21 of $1 raised

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Donation Total: $1.00

Other Ways To Give: 


Set up a Facebook fundraiser or raise sponsorship by signing up to a challenge and encourage friends and family to help you meet your target.

Give as you earn

Donate straight from your pay by setting up Give as You Earn via your companies CAF account. To sign up, request a form from your employer.

Leave a legacy

By remembering UK Youth in your Will, you can give young people strong foundations for the future. To discuss this with a member of our team please email or call 0203 137 2914