Welcome to Future Leaders Programme,
a leadership programme designed to equip people
with leadership potentials
Welcome To Future Leaders
Future Leaders is a not-for-profit organisation set up with the aim of promoting the concept of transcendent leadership in order to challenge and fix the current erroneous perceptions about leadership in societies. The focus is to empower individuals to pursue the call to be leaders to make remarkable differences in their spheres of life through positive influences that mobilise communities for good causes. We provide customized leadership development programmes to provide marked leadership insights and moments which provoke meaningful behaviour change for individuals to undertake development projects to improve the lives of the less advantaged.
Who Are Future Leaders?
“We’re focused on training, inspiring and equipping all participants through a wide range of leadership programmes to enable them make a visible and lasting impact in their communities, nation and the world”.
Leadership Approach
Future Leaders’ customized development programmes involve face-to-face, project works and online and digital learning provide a unique style of executive leadership and management education for a new generation of global leaders to develop their potential, embrace change and improve the lives of us all. We aim to empower passionate young leaders and equip them with the skills they need to make a positive impact in their countries and the world today.
While the term “Future Leaders” may convey a futuristic view about young people who are aspiring for leadership, we believe that in today’s world, young people can take on leadership roles to make a difference.
Therefore, we support Young Leaders to get involved in local, national and global debates around important issues such as poverty, employment, education, climate change and the environment which are difficult leadership issues to manage and address. Future leaders are not leaders for tomorrow but leaders whose active involvement in matters for today are essential. We’re supporting talented young people to sharpen their skills as they engage in leadership actions in becoming transcedent leaders for now and the future.

Our Leadership Programmes encourage critical and independent reflection and thinking about leadership as a concept and leadership development as a set of leadership skills and activities in support of community development and promote social justice. All participants are supported to gain a better understanding of themselves, interrupt the status quo and make positive changes.
Leadership Programme
Future Leaders offer a comprehensive range of leadership programmes which provide meaningful and creative opportunities to all particpants through study, mentorship, coaching, apprenticeship, national service and empowerment, to develop the knowledge, experience and leadership skills they need to make a positive change in their local community, nation, continental regions and around the world. All participants receive ongoing support from coaches and mentors and access to practical opportunities for leadership development through our partnerships with local and national government, private corporations, non-governments and individual activists, policy-makers and revolutionists.
Open to all
To present leadership
and leadership
Open to all Leaders
and Managers
To develop leadership
capacity building
strategies for
institutional change
Open to all
To facilitate self-
assessment and review
to develop targeted
leadership skills
Open to all
To guide participants
to achieve specific
personal leadership
goals and outcomes
Open to all
To support participants
to develop skills and
aptitudes to perform
leadership tasks
Open to all
To create a forum
for exploring key
concepts for leadership
skills development
Future Leaders’ portfolio of Leadership Development solutions provides efficient and proven systems that help aspiring young leaders at all levels of the society be more successful in fulfilling their leadership roles and expectations in their family, society, organisation and the nation and tackling tough challenges in the competitive global competition for better prospects for all. We provide a wide range of leadership development partnerships and opportunities in various settings such as universities, local councils, parliament, churches, charities and various institutions to empower all participants to develp and fulfill their potential as transcendent leaders.
We’re on a mission to developing and placing devout and selfless leaders in positions of influence such as CEO of corporations, Heads of Institutions, local politicians and members of parliament and become influential change-makers in their local communities, the nation and the world. Future Leaders’ are focused on maintaining our position as the most relevant Leadership Development Academy in the world by nurturing and raising up leaders who are determined to fight against corruption and create shared opportunities for all. We support a cross-section of individuals from the ages of 12 and above and prepare them through well-craft leadership curriculum to help them to improve their leadership talent, strategic thinking and organizational culture.
Leadership Development Overview
Future Leaders is triple-accredited, global leadership development institution focused on nurturing transcedent leaders who are selfless and have the passion to make a difference in their immediate communities and nation by driving development and securing improvements for all. Everything we do is underpinned by the strongest drive to challenge immoral leadership styles that’s seated in greed and corruption and develop devout leaders to promote alternative leadership which is focused on selfless and in creating opportunities for the less advantaged to improve their lives and livelihood.

Future Leaders programme begins with a one-day induction and self-review followed by 360° feedback process. There is a two-day prayerful reflection time. Participants will be given opportunities to collaborate on several strategic leadership initiatives and projects to promote reflection and achieve convictions of leadership abilities and roles. All participants are supported with a series of Executive coaching sessions to give them access to proven leadership abilities from transcendent leaders who are selfless and committed to the development of their communities and nations. Opportunities for shadowing and mentoring are explored and volunteering and traineeship for practical experiences are provided. The programme completes with a two-day leadership projects development.
360° Leadership Reviews
360-degree review feedback form a cardinal part of the leadership development programme. This leadership tool when used correctly serves as an important tool in allowing the personal development of potential leaders and it enables an honest assessment of their leadership performance and behaviours and typically uncovers findings that had not been considered. Transparency is essential in the leadership area and having the opportunity to identify and improve on leadership shortfalls is essential to growing as a transcendent leader. The benefits of the feedback report include:
- Increasing self-awareness
- Improving leadership skills and behaviours
- Developing leadership performance
- Encouraging personal leadership responsibility
- Improving leadership relationships between colleagues
- Focusing on real priorities for leadership development

Leadership Programme Focus
Future Leaders’ work with the understanding that every continent, every nation, every community, every institution and every family is in dire need of transcendent leadership that mobilises and rally people around a shared vision to pursue programmes and projects that create better opportunities for all and fair access to resources by all to improve the lives and livelihood of all. As a result of this, the leadership development programme focuses on individuals to develop transcendent leadership skills and abilities in becoming multifaceted leaders who pursue a broader vision, facilitate change, mobilise the masses through effective leadership practices to achieve a common good for all in developing communities and nations.
Future Leaders’ is focused on equipping participants in becoming all-rounded transcendent leaders who are fully motivated and inspired leaders seek to:
- Develop bespoke presence in promoting transcendent leadership through local, national and global debates, resulting in policy reformation for genuine human development at all levels
- Provide opportunities for participants to undertake reflective debates to deepen their moral values in promoting godly leadership
- Explore and build on replicable evidence-based and transcendent leadership best practice in communities, organisations and that nation at large.
- Develop, promote and replicate exemplary transcendent leadership models in other parts of the world for embedding endemic leadership around the globe
- Invest in participants with genuine desire to pursue positive reforms in their homes, communities and nations by demonstrating exemplary transcendent leadership and governance
Future Leaders’ work on the principle that our families, communities, institution and nations can only be as good as the leadership programmes and the leaders they develop. It’s for this reason that we promote transcendent leadership development programme to deliver real impact and return on investment — and the effective leaders who can execute strategic programmes for community, national and global development by emphasis and create fair opportunities for all.
Organised and curated by Future Leaders’ Foundation, each year in various cities across Africa, the Americas, Europe, Asia and the Islands, Transcendent Leadership Development Conferences, Seminars and Forums are held to bring together thousands of talented minds united by their passion to making a lasting and transformative impact in their communities and collectively creating a better world where there is fairness and social justice for all. Our Leadership Development Programmes focus on stimulating new thinking and inspiring collective action through a unique networking environment to connect with like-minded professionals to
Future Leaders’ would take advantage of several opportunities to promote transcendent leadership through:
- Organized forums for views exchange
- 360’ feedback facilitation for self-assessment
- Leadership and personal development plan
- Coaching/mentoring
- Participative workshops and seminars for skills and personal development training and development training
- Bespoke transcendent leadership training and development
Leadership Programme Stations
210 Church Road
Gateway Business Centre
Suite 1-4, Top Floor
London, E10 7JQ
Tel: 0203 771 5653
Fax: 0203 322 6464
Contact Form
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